"during times like these, how can I best be of service to those I impact within my sphere of influence?"

This has been my question over the past several weeks as I look around, bombarded left, right and centre with news headlines, social media videos or people around me, talking about and “fearing about” war, poverty, separation and violence - Everywhere you go, it’s in your face, someone’s talking about it. 

Just as often, I see people who complain about life and its injustices, bury their heads in the sand, distract themselves from how they are really feeling with the latest buzz, hype, trends or fads.

If you find yourself guilty of that (past or present) and really desiring a new prospective on this earth reality, and all the freedom that comes with that…

Then read on…

we are proudly presenting...

Cheat Codes to the Human Experience.

A two day Master-course that is going to blow the lid open on reality and give you the big fat permission slip (from your higher self) to see your entire reality from a new perspective.

This is the information that you’re been waiting for.

I have channeled for the past 8-10 years and some of the codes that have come through, have propelled me through the most difficult or otherwise crippling situations and into a place of clarity and expansion. 

The response to my initial question came from Spirit;

“Talk about the sun season. Don’t be shy or afraid, now’s a good time.”

Although I feel massive discomfort with sharing the teachings of the sun season, what I do know is that, 13 years ago, I was asked to start sharing my abilities with others...

My ability to read and see energy in others.

When I first started actively sharing mediumship and my own perspective on spirituality and psychic abilities, the internet wasn’t even ready. 

The clap back, the trolling and triggers from other people that came as a reaction to my perspective, was negative and very uncomfortable.

 It wasn’t yet “the norm”… and I was just labeled  "woo-woo" , "delusional" or  "cray".

Admittedly, we still have a long way to go with spirituality being considered the norm, but the conversations I was having over a decade ago, were new and thought provoking and have impacted many in the years that have since passed.

This pattern of provoking big change is playing itself out once again - 13 years later.

I am once again, trail blazing a new level of consciousness,

new conversations,

new thought forms and

“ways of being”

I was born here, with a purpose to initiate change-making conversations with people determined to lead extraordinary lives.

This is profound new awareness is called the "SUN SEASON" and I can guarantee that you will not have heard these conversations anywhere else before.

Many aren’t ready for this level of radical awareness and self responsibility,

but for the movers and the shakers - put yourself in these discussions with me, we've got minds to blow and perspective shifts to have!!

spirit speaks..

Happiness and Freedom, for humans are the most desired, most sought after ‘manifestations’.

However, you feel trapped by who you "think" you are, the way you are living and what you see in the world…

“Until you set yourself free from who you have been, you’ll only ever experience the illusion of freedom”.

-High Council of Nine Transmission 2024

cheat codes live mastercourse has two big modules and runs live on June 5th and 6th.

If you are unable to join live on zoom, you will be sent the replays to watch.

Price increases every 24 hours until its at its final price of $111 on June 5th.

Join us early - What is there to lose?