Meet Jasmine.

The Creator of the Quantum Connection Modality, Mentor, Intuitive Reader and Sun Seeker.

Jasmine has spent the past decade, on her own pilgrimage or journey of self discovery and has had many experiences of life along the way. Jasmine has facilitated energetic healing, transformation and spiritual growth within hundreds of clients.

For the past two years, she has been traversing through sun season and is now ready to share it with other people, in order for them to also have the ultimate freedom experience, that she herself now experiences. 

Jasmine is a known Catalyst for Rapid Expansion and Evolution, whose unique teaching style brings simplicity to many different aspects of spirituality and mindset, which would otherwise be considered complex or baffling.



You might be wondering, "what the heck is going on in this world?" with the degrees of separation, upheavals and conflict that we are all experiencing in these times of chaos and change.

You might be thinking, "How do I survive and get through this, let alone prosper and survive within these unpredictable times?" or "How do I maintain a sense of peace and joy amidst the ever-changing world around me?"

And you might also be asking your Self, "What can I do? How can I be the change? How canI be of service and contribution?"

Understand that there is always the falling away of the 'old' before the new can be formed.

We are in the midst of this dynamic as we shift from the original paradigm of fear, separation, competition, 'me' vs 'you', and step into the sun season experience of life.... which is love, freedom, collaboration, truth and expansion.

This shift takes a conscious effort on your part, you must be ready to face yourself. 


what is the sun season?

When you free yourself from the illusions, limiting beliefs and storylines that you have (by your own will) created and energised for millennia, you will begin your transition of awareness from the moon season into the sun season. 

The Sun Season is a term that Jasmine uses to describe an elevated and freeing way of thinking, living and being.

"Your soul is the most sacred essence of who you are. It is your immaterial being that brings you into the awareness that you are Source energy in a constant state of creation and evolution. When you begin to have a direct experience of this truth, in your body and your heart, you start to have a completely different outlook on life, you "manifest" more consciously, people respond to you differently and your day to day experience looks different.

This is when you begin living a completely opposite existence to what you thought was real or even possible."

It can only happen when you are ready to take yourself through four vital phases of evolution. This is what you will be taught inside the Hologram Mastermind.




During the first six weeks of this Mastermind Intensive, you will be guided 

through a series of trainings (atleast 15) that are carefully created to help you 

to open to the first, and most crucial part, of the Mastermind. These are literal

downloads that I channeled during 2022 and 2023. Some of my most powerful

programmes and certifications have been created, using the principles from this mastermind.

They have quite frankly, changed

my entire life. 

You will shaken alive and bought to your place of deepest knowing with 

the information that will be shared with you.


Transitioning from  the moon season ( a season of restriction and limitation) to the sun

season (one of ultimate freedom and expansion) naturally requires you to re-design the way you think and 

feel about your life. In this second six weeks of the mastermind, you will gain access to over a dozen

transitory phase trainings that will massively advance your level of consciousness and support

you to transcend the limitations, lies and stories that you have created for yourself

and identified with all of your life.

During this phase, all of the information given to you will be used to your advance by helping

you release all of your cultural and social conditioning.


From the end of the first phase, onwards, you will naturally feel pulled to begin to implement some of

the tools and teachings given inside the Mastermind. This will continue to be an important part of your

development throughout the entire experience. A large part of the expansion of your life, comes in

embodying and applying the principles shared with you. 

The more you do this, the more you will have otherworldly experiences in your day to day life.

It is through the application of the tools and the willingness to expand, that you will

begin to have a true experience without limitation.


In the final four weeks of this awakening journey, you will have the confidence, clarity and greater

awareness to elevate the quality of your life, expand your horizons and have a newfound awareness on creating

your life experience.

By moving deeply through these four months, you will have the necessary tools and knowledge to

literally begin having a new experience of life, one that is by your design and creation.

a new level is waiting

This is a sixteen week opportunity to prioritise self-actualisation, connection, presence, pleasure, joy and fulfilment. But you first have to be ready to face everything you have believed to be true so far and be prepared for it to be collapsed and flipped on its head.

What could happen if we finally got sick of telling ourselves the same restrictive stories, believing the same limiting beliefs and having the same life experiences day in and day out? 

What could happen, if instead of trying to achieve things the way we always have, we actually LIVED with the greatest intentionality and presence, we prioritised our evolution and experienced profound expansion in our day to day lives?


  • Sixteen weeks of sun season trainings, not taught by anyone anywhere else,
  • Access to a rolling voxer group chat for support and connection with other participants, 
  • Access to the course platform where you can take the trainings at your own leisurely pace,
  • Monthly live Q&A group zoom calls with Jasmine.